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Garlands Bandcamp

Garlands: A Band That Serves Up Sadness with Sincerity

4 By Garlands Released 21 July 2020

Garlands, a band known for their unique blend of sadness, sincerity, and whimsy, released their album "4" on July 21, 2020. The album features 10 tracks that explore themes of loss, longing, and the search for meaning in a complex world.

A Deep Dive into Garlands' Musical Style

Garlands' music is often described as "cinematic" and "atmospheric." The band's use of lush instrumentation, including strings, piano, and guitars, creates a rich and textured sound that envelops the listener in a world of emotion.

Lead singer David Garland's vocals are both haunting and beautiful, conveying a sense of longing and vulnerability that is both relatable and deeply moving.

Themes Explored in "4"

The songs on "4" explore a wide range of themes, including:

  • Loss and grief
  • The search for meaning
  • The power of memory
  • The human condition

Through their evocative lyrics and poignant melodies, Garlands invites listeners to reflect on their own experiences and emotions.


Garlands' "4" is a deeply moving and introspective album that showcases the band's unique blend of sadness, sincerity, and whimsy. With its lush instrumentation, haunting vocals, and thought-provoking lyrics, the album is sure to resonate with listeners who appreciate music that explores the complexities of the human experience.
